Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Field of Poppies - Step by Step

I've been working on a 16x20 acrylic painting of a field of poppies. I am still not done with it, but I thought I would share the progress I am making on it with you.
 Step 1 was to prime the canvas with paint.
 Step 2 was to prime the background with dark paint to form the field.
 Step three was to get some red on the canvas.
 Step 4, starting to define the stems in the foreground
Here I added some more red, and gave the foreground flowers more depth by adding smaller flowers, and I am starting to define the petals. I still have a ton of work to do on this painting, but it is coming along... and I am having fun with it. :)

Well, as you can see, I had a bit of a temper tantrum again, I was not happy with the flowers in the foreground. I really messed them up, so rather than give up, I repainted over them, spent some time studying and doing some pencil sketches of poppies that I found photos of on the internet, and then blocked the shapes in white, so I could get some nice bright color on top of that green. I've gone a step further with this than you see now, and it is looking much better. I will show you tomorrow. I don't know yet if I am being bull-headed, and should just gesso over this canvas and completely start over, or if this will eventually be a painting I will be happy with... only time will tell.

1 comment:

  1. Yes, it´s coming along nicely. I´m glad that you kept a record of your progress because I think that, left just as it is, step 3 would make a lovely card.
